2009年4月9日 星期四


Pipilotti Rist(1962)
瑞士女藝術家,80年代開始以錄像創作,90年代後轉往錄像裝置發展。她的作品具有色彩絢麗的影像以及大眾文化的特質;此外,音樂亦她作品中的核心元素,早期作品中時常挪用流行歌曲改編再製,90年代晚期後漸漸走向純音樂的創作(與瑞士藝術家兼作曲家Anders Guggisberg長期合作)。Rist於1997和2005年參加過威尼斯雙年展,已是享譽國際藝壇的知名藝術家,在歐洲各國、美國、日本辦過多次個展,也赴上海參展過,2002年台北當代藝術館也展出過她的作品。

今年三月在荷蘭鹿特丹的Boijmans Van Beuningen美術館舉辦個展『Elixir : the video organism of Pipilotti Rist』(3/7~5/10),匯集了她2000年之後許多大型的錄像裝置作品,展場佈置相當精緻,是一個大型暗室,以落地窗簾區分成九個隔間,並鋪上地毯,邀請觀者脫鞋進入,隔間內依作品設有不同的靠枕或床,觀者可或臥或坐,非常舒適。參觀她的作品就像是一趟視、聽、觸覺的感官享受之旅。

Elixir: the video organism of Pipilotti Rist
7 March - 10 May 2009

About the works
Trailer of the video's in the exhibition

Kleines Vorstadthirn von Rotterdam (Small Suburb Brain in Rotterdam),1999-2009. Audio video installation. Two projections on curtains: videos: 7 minute loop. sound: P. Rist & Anders Guggisberg

Riding through the Swiss landscape Pipilotti Rist delivers a monologue on feminism, nature and her youth. Rist worked on this installation between 1999 and 2009. This new version is being shown for the first time here as part of Elixir.

Homo Sapiens Sapiens
[1] [2], 2005. Audio video installation: four projections on ceiling panel, one foam snake and carpet, video: 21 minute loop, sound: Anders Guggisberg & P. Rist.

This installation was originally made for the vaulted ceiling of the church of San Stae in the historical heart of Venice. The main character Pepperminta (played by Ewelina Guzik) finds herself with her sister in a world resembling a paradise. Pipilotti Rist represented Switzerland with this work at the Venice Biennale in 2005.

À la belle étoile [1] [2](Under the Sky), 2007. Audio video installation. Projection onto the floor: video: 00 minuten / minutes loop, sound same as: Homo Sapiens Sapiens

This work was first shown in 2007 as a gigantic projection measuring 64 x 36 metres on the plaza in front of the Centre Pompidou in Paris. Then images were projected directly on the ground in the evening under the Parisian starry sky.

Lungenflügel , 2009. Audio video installation: three projections on triptych screen, twenty pillows and one carpet, video: 00 minute loop, sound same as: Tyngdkraft, var min vän (for acoustic reasons).

The footage in ‘Lungenflügel’ was shot parallel to the recordings of ‘Pepperminta’, Pipilotti Rist’s first feature film which will be released later this year. Some of these images also appeared in the installation ‘Pour Your Body Out (7354 Cubic Meters)’ in the Museum of Modern Art in New York at the end of last year. Here the images have served as the basis for a new installation made specially for Elixir.

Tyngdkraft, var min vän (Gravity, Be My Friend), 2007. Audio video installation: Two projections on two amorphous ceiling panels, two wild carpet sculptures, videos: 11 and 12 minute loops, sound: Anders Guggisberg & P. Rist 11 minute loop. This installation was first shown in 2007 at Magazin 3 in Stockholm. The Swedish title, which can be translated as ‘Gravity Be My Friend’, is a reminder of the work’s place of origin. The images show two people (Ewelina Guzik and David Göldi) moving weightlessly in the space. The title can be read as an appeal to the visitors to surrender themselves to gravity: the projections on the ceiling are best viewed if you lie down and relax.

A Liberty Statue for Löndön, 2005. Audio video installation: two projections on ceiling panel, mirror, beds with jeans covers and pillows. video: 10 minute loop. sound: Anders Guggisberg. In ‘A Liberty Statue for Löndön’ we see images of the prehistoric Pepperminta (also played by Ewelina Guzik). Whereas in Homo Sapiens Sapiens’ she remained in paradise, in this work she returns to civilisation. This installation was first shown in London in 2005.

Herz aufwühlen, Herz ausspülen (Stir Heart Rinse Heart), 2004. Audio video installation: three projections on curtains, videos: 7 and 6 minute loops, sound the same as: A Liberty Statue for Löndön (for acoustic reasons), plus additional 14 minute loop of inner body sounds

In ‘Stir Heart, Rinse Heart’ images of human rituals are combined with footage of the insides of the body. Rist shot this footage with a team of doctors using medical technology such as endoscopic cameras, ultrasound and magnetic waves.

Left: Apple Tree Innocent on Diamond Hill installation, Rirght: Gina's Mobile installation

Apple Tree Innocent on Diamond Hill
, 2003. Video installation: a projectie op gordijnen / projection on curtains. a tree branch, part of ‘The Innocent Collection 1985 - approx. 2032’, video: 15 minute loop, silent.

Since 1985 Rist has collected colourless transparent packaging materials, white paper and cardboard. Her collection, entitled ‘The Innocent Collection’ is still growing and regularly features in her installations. In ‘Apple Tree Innocent on Diamond Hill’ objects hang from a large branch in the space, forming a layered surface for light projections and moving images.

Gina’s Mobile, 2007. Video installation: one projection, a copper sphere, a plexiglass teardrop, a wooden branch and translucent
cables, video: 5 minute loop, silent.

In the installation ‘Gina’s Mobile’ the close-up images of the female genitalia are balanced with a reflective copper ball. The vagina is filmed very directly, almost medically. Provocation is not Pipilotti Rist’s principal aim, but she wishes to question collective fears and taboos.

Installation photograhy by Ernst Moritz. Herz Aufwhulen by Peter Laupman
Video stills by Pipilotti Rist.

除了上面的九件作品,另有一件作品展於美術館外,伊拉斯瑪斯橋(Erasmus Bridge)下的停車場內

Cinquante Fifty by Pipilotti Rist
7 March - 10 May 2009

Cinquante Fifty, video installation, Erasmusbrug













http://www.youtube.com/results?search_type=&search_query=pipilotti&aq=f (在youtube有許多作品)